PMI - Plus Minus Interesting

Plus - Reach a mass audience; accessible anytime, anywhere; website creation tools like 'Weebly' make the design of a website simple for those who are not 'tech' savvy; can use animation, video, music etc to enhance the users 'experience'

Minus - Cost to maintain and create websites, with the exception of most educational websites, there is normally a cost involved dependant upon how complex the site; some information presented may not be reliable; the technology users have (iphone, PC etc) may crash

  • I think you would have to have some idea of the audience your website is reaching, some community members may be hesitant or totally unfamiliar with this kind of information sharing.  Therefore you've lost your intended audience before you've started.
I think websites are innovative ways to present ideas and share them with friends, family and the wider community.  Wikis as a research tool enable participants to learn and grow as part of a community of like-minded people and add their own insight thus extending the knowledge data base; websites offer on-line information on a particular topic as a 'get-what-you're-given' concept, in its simpliest form websites offer consistent information which may link to other sites or stand alone ie. like a brochure.  A website, unlike a wiki, does offer exciting ways to deliver the information eg. videos, music, flash players etc.